Under sommartid är vi alla mest upptagna av trafiken och det ges inte heller mycket tid mellan trafikdagarna för banarbete. Dock har några arbeten utförts. Mer i bildtexterna nedan.
During summer time we are mostly busy with the traffic and there is not mauch time between the traffic days fort track work. Anyhow some work has been done:
– The local data network company wanted their new fibre cable along our line for ca. 1,5 km. They also installed fibre connections to our buildings in Mariefred.
– In Week 28 we had a youth camp at ÖSlJ. One day was dedicated to track work and to adjustment of a new track at the wagon shed i Läggesta. They did a good work.
– July 31 track no. 4 i Läggesta was finally adjusted and got a buffer stop.
– August 5 the track near the new crossing ”Skalla hamnväg” was adjusted.